Frequently Asked Questions:   Cosmetic Surgery / Face Lift


Face Lift (Meloplasty):

v     Looking young is person's birthright. A facelift or "rhytidectomy" is a surgical procedure designed to improve the most visible signs of the aging process by eliminating excess fat, tightening the muscles beneath the skin of the neck, and removing sagging skin. It doesn't stop the aging process but merely "sets the clock back". Procedure is being employed to correct signs of aging such as facial lines and wrinkles, sagging facial skin or a "turkey gobbler" neck. The timing of a facelift is a personal decision.

v     In most cases, an incision is made commencing in the hairline at the temple, extending in a skin crease down in front of the ear, around the ear lobe and then behind the ear finishing in the hairline of the scalp. Skin is separated from the underlying fat and muscle. The skin is then stretched upwards and backwards, and the excess skin removed. In some cases additional procedures such as removal of the fat under the chin and tightening of the underlying muscles is performed. A facelift may be performed under local anaesthetic or general anaesthetic. Depending on the extent of the procedure, facelift surgery may last from 2 to 4 hours.

v     One may have some bruising and swelling for two or three weeks after surgery. Some patients are aware of tightness and numbness on their face and neck. These feelings may persist for a number of months.

v     Most patients take 2-3 weeks off work. Normal makeup can be applied after 7-10 days and one should remember to protect skin from the sun.

v     Although all surgical incisions leave scars, the aim of facelift surgery is to leave scars that are as inconspicuous as possible. Most scars fade considerably with time although there is an individual variation in healing time and scar formation. Occasionally thickened scars may develop which requiring specific treatment.

v     A successful facelift operation will make you look refreshed and more youthful. A facelift performed to correct sagging skin before lines and wrinkles have developed will often prevent the formation of these lines and wrinkles for many years and thus preserve a more youthful complexion. Many patients never have a second lift, while others may desire further surgery seven to 15 years later.  


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