Frequently Asked Questions:   Cosmetic Surgery / Rhinoplasty



v     It is an aesthetic (cosmetic) surgical procedure to reshape the nose and   improve its appearance. Rhinoplasty is also performed to correct birth defects, deformities that result from injury, or to relieve nasal obstruction. In general, rhinoplasty, cosmetic nose surgery, is designed to reduce excess cartilage and bone in the nose, removing irregularities and bumps to give a straightened, smooth and, usually, smaller  appearance. Adding tissue to enhance certain features of the nose can also occur. Rhinoplasty improves overall facial appearance and renew your self-confidence.

v     Local or general anesthesia may be used. Incisions are usually made inside the nostrils, through which reshaping and trimming of bone and cartilage is performed. Usually incisions are made inside the nose and are therefore not visible. Sometimes incisions are used on the skin of the "columella". External splints and internal nose packs may be used. The procedure usually takes 1 to 2 hours. Minor adjustments are occasionally required.

v     Postoperatively swelling and bruising around the eyes are common, but subside quickly; swelling of the nose subsides more slowly and some numbness may be present for a few months.

v     Most patients are able to return to work after a fortnight. The final appearance may therefore take 3 - 4 months to be evident.  


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