Frequently Asked Questions:   Cosmetic Surgery / General



v     Our society places a high value on looking young and fit. Today, men of all ages and all walks of life are requesting plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons. Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve the patient's appearance and self-esteem. Cosmetic surgery is usually not covered by health insurance because it is elective.

v    Emotional stability is the primary factor to be considered before any aesthetic surgery is performed. A "new body" does not guarantee a new life or an end to all personal problems. It is mostly the mental attitude of the individual that determines a successful outcome.

v     If you're considering cosmetic plastic surgery, please ask your plastic surgeon for further information about the particular procedure and what you can expect. Your doctor will also evaluate your health, conduct a physical exam, take pre-operative photographs, and explain which surgical techniques are most appropriate for you. You'll discuss the type of anesthesia to be used, the type of facility where the surgery will be performed, the possible risks, and the costs involved. Although scars are the inevitable results of any surgery, your surgeon will make every effort to make the scars as inconspicuous as possible.

v    Surgical fees vary widely depending on the length and complexity of the procedure. There will also be fees charged by the anaesthetist and the hospital. You should discuss fees with your surgeon before the procedure

v     One should always keep in mind that the desired result is improvement, not perfection.  


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